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Texas Sprint Series-ASPHALT RULES


Release date: 5-28-24







The purpose of TEXAS SPRINT SERIES-ASPHALT(herein known as TSS) is to promote and conduct sprint car races and other racing-oriented events. In this pursuit, the TSS has formulated and adopted the General Safety, Competition, and Technical rules contained herein.

These rules will become effective and enforceable as of the date of this publication and will constitute the rules and regulations that shall govern the conduct of all racing events sanctioned by the TSS.

All car owners, drivers, sponsors, crew members, and all persons involved in any way, in any TSS sanctioned racing events, shall be deemed to have read, understood, and agreed to comply with these rules and any and all amendments, supplements, and/or revisions that may be implemented.

It is, therefore, recommended that all the above-listed entities read the rule book carefully to ensure familiarity with the rules and regulations contained herein.


The TSS Rule Book is not the only authority governing the actions and activities of the individuals who participate in a TSS sanctioned racing event. We remind all participants that each racetrack where a TSS sanctioned event is held is located within the boundaries of a particular city, county and state and is, therefore, within the authority of all the law enforcement agencies operating and having authority within these areas. Thus, all laws and statutes applicable to these areas are enforceable at each racetrack where TSS sanctioned events are held, and all violations will be dealt with accordingly by the various law enforcement agencies.


These rules and/or regulations are designed to provide for the orderly conduct of racing events and to establish minimum acceptable requirements for such events. These rules shall govern the condition of all events, and by participating in these events, all participants are deemed to have complied with these rules. No expressed or implied warranty of safety shall result from publication of, or compliance with, these rules and/or regulations. They are intended as a guide for the conduct of the sport and are in no way a guarantee against injury or death to a participant, spectator or official.


Conduct Policy:


  1. General

    • All Competitors agree to act in a professional manner as determined by TSS. The professional manner includes, but is not limited to verbal representation, written representation, any representation that may represent TSS, the sport of racing and/or motorsports in general and/or any affiliates. All Competitors MUST conduct themselves in a manner not detrimental to TSS, the Event, or Organizer.

    • Profanity in front of race fans, Officials, management, profane signs or writing on cars, etc., will not be tolerated and may subject the offending party to penalties.

    • Social Media content deemed detrimental to the TSS Organizers, Officials,


Events, Sponsors and Competitors will not be tolerated. Detrimental content will be subject to dismissal from the event or prevention of attending the event.


  • The general appearance of Members and Competitors shall be neat and clean looking.

  • No SPEEDING in the pits.

  • A competitor that stops his or her car on the track to argue or discuss an incident with the starter or other Officials will not be tolerated.

2.Abuse and Altercations

  1. Verbal or physical abuse of Officials, including improper language or actions will result in sanctions from TSS.

  2. Fighting will not be tolerated. Drivers will be held responsible for the conduct of all persons connected with their car, and violations will be dealt with accordingly. Any person from a crew, including the driver, going to another pit area where any altercation erupts, will be considered at fault and will be subject to consequences.

  3. A driver’s pit is their domain.

  4. Any driver who, in the judgment of TSS Officials, engages in rough driving, deliberately running into, blocking, or swerving in front of another car - may be subject to disqualification from the event. Any car intentionally blocking the track will subject the owner and driver to immediate and indefinite suspension from the event and future TSS events.




  1. THE INTERPRETATION AND APPLICATION of all rules contained herein as well as all amendments, supplements, and revisions that may be implemented, shall be at the sole discretion of the TSS officers and Competition Director.

  2. ALL CARS ARE SUBJECT TO INSPECTION by the technical inspector and Competition Director or their designee at any sanctioned event.

  3. ALL DRIVERS MUST BE REGISTERED with the TSS with dues current and in good standing to compete in any TSS events and to receive points.


  1. Hot lap sessions will be determined by the Competition Director.


  1. Qualifying order will be determined by the Competition Director. When available, cars will be lined up slowest to fastest based on practice times.

  2. In the event time does not permit qualifications, all heat race starting positions will be based on competitors’ current points or event pill draw, with inversion.

  3. Cars arriving after sprint qualifying has ended will not be allowed to qualify.

  4. Non-qualifiers will start at the back of all preliminary events.

  5. Each competitor that qualifies will receive two consecutive laps, with no spin out or wave off allowance.

  6. The above procedures may be altered by and at the discretion of the Competition Director.


  1. Under normal circumstances, all heat races will be aligned in a staggered and inverted order with six cars being inverted in each heat race.













  1. Non-qualifiers will start at the discretion of the Competition Director.

  2. Number of heat races, and number of cars transferring to A- main will be dependent on total number of cars.

  3. The above procedures may be altered by the Competition Director.

  1. If any of the qualified cars are not within 1.1 seconds of the 3rd fastest qualifying time the lineup will be adjusted accordingly. Any cars removed from the inversion lineup will start behind the inversion cars.


  1. Cars not qualifying for the feature through heats will run the B-Main lined up by heat race finish, no inversion.

  2. Cars advancing to the feature will line up behind cars transferred through heat races.



    1. The 1st heat race winner will draw a random inversion pill provided TSS Officials. Inversion amount will be determined by the Competition Director based on car count.  No more than 8 cars will be inverted.

  2. Any driver that does not finish their heat race taking checkered flag within  one

(1) lap of the winner will lose their spot inside the Feature Event inversion and be placed behind inversion cars.




  1. A driver can change cars and run the event for which the car is qualified. (must start last).

  2. A driver and/or car will run one heat race only.

  3. If a driver qualifies more than one car, points are awarded for only the last car qualified.

  4. A car will be qualified by one driver only.

  1. FEATURE RACE, a car or driver must have earned a starting position. It could be a different car and driver, but they both have to have earned starting positions.


  1. The practice of start and park is strictly prohibited.

  2. Determination and penalty will be at the sole discretion of the Competition Director.




    1. After two unsuccessful attempts to start a race, a single file restart will be used.

    2. Competitors will start or restart at the rear of their respective event if they go to the pits for any reason or if they stop for any reason not listed below.

      1. For a red flag they did not cause.

      2. Stopped on the track by an official.

      3. You can stop on the track near an TSS official if your seat belts come loose, or any other safety concern.

    3. Disqualification can occur if you work on a car on the track, or in an area that would prevent a safe restart, or if you're not ready to restart when we give the  one to go signal.

    4. Competitors will be allowed two assisted starts per event in which they are in. Getting pushed off does not constitute as an assisted start.

    5. Crew members are not allowed on track when a yellow is out. Crew members cannot check a car on the track. Inspection of any car by the crew must go to the pits unless they are stopped by an official.

    6. If the car and driver can be on the track and ready to race before the one lap signal is displayed, they will be allowed to start at the rear of the field.

    7. You will be penalized two positions: (on the next available restart, or at the finish of the race) if:

      1. The pole car (inside or outside) picks up speed before the designated starting spot on the start.

      2. A competitor that jumps on any start or restart:

        1. Jumping: Any part of your car even with any part of the car in front of you before your car has reached the designated starting spot.

        2. Single file restarts the cars must be nose to tail in close formation.

        3. Regaining the proper starting position before reaching the designated starting point does not erase the jump.

      3. Competitors should consider jumping as a judgment call and is not reversible. The call is made by the TSS officials.

    8. Rough driving and/or unsportsmanlike conduct infractions are subject to penalties determined by the Competition Director.

      1. Includes anyone connected with the car.


  1. Includes conduct on or off the track.

  2. Thirty yellow flag laps after the first green will constitute a fuel stop, unless otherwise directed by Competition Director at the drivers meeting.

  3. The Competition Director's decision will be final.

  4. Any car that causes a yellow flag to be thrown will go to the tail of the race, regardless of laps completed.

  5. Any competitor that intentionally and deliberately causes a yellow caution flag to be shown, by any means, during an event, may be penalized by TSS Officials. The determination of what constitutes deliberate or intentional is at the judgement of TSS Officials and is not protestable. Penalties may be Loss of Position, Loss of Laps, or Disqualification from Event.

  6. In the event of a red flag, no one shall enter the track without approval of a TSS official. If a crew member enters the track without approval the car in  which they are associated with will be disqualified.

  7. No more than 2 crew members per car allowed on the track

  8. No jacks or any other type of lifting device allowed on the track.

  9. Removal or replacement of anything on the car must be done in the pit area only. Car will then be placed at the rear of field.

  10. Any car that causes a yellow flag to be thrown and or stops during the event designated and flagged live will receive a starting position penalty. Any car that unavoidably stops due to or because of another competitor causing a yellow flag to be thrown during the event designated and flagged live will not receive any starting position penalty. The Competition Director's decision will be final.


  1. After any Caution Flag is displayed, cars will be realigned in the order in which they were running on the last completed lap as scored. After field is  realigned,  the drivers will have a choose option on which lane to start in. After the driver passes the choose “cone”, said driver must move into position in the lane they chose. If the driver fails to get into the correct position, or the incorrect lane, they will go to end of the longest line. If, after 1 attempt at a double file restart, a lap is not completed, then a single file restart lineup will be used until a lap can be completed.

  2. The last 5 laps of any B-main/Last Chance Qualifier or A-Feature will be single file restart only. All initial starts and restarts will occur at the starting  cone position.



  1. Points are accumulated for drivers.

  2. Driver must be a registered member with the TSS to earn points.

  3. 25 "Show Up" Points:

    1. Will be awarded to any car attempting to compete.

    2. In the event of a rain out, show up points will only be awarded if the car is signed into the pits and ready to race.

  4. Current points standing will be posted on the week following an event.

  5. PROTESTS Any points standing protests must be made in writing via email and/or registered mail to Designated TSS officials within 48 hours after said points have been posted on







Car Specifications


  • Only traditional sprint car style cars allowed.  Rear engine cars are not permitted.

  • All cars must be the open-wheel, open-cockpit type. No Supermodified or Roadsters permitted.

  • All cars must have tubular front/rear bumper and nerf bars.

  • All cars shall be rear-wheel drive only.

  • The rear axle offset shall be determined by measuring from the farthest portion of the tire to the center line of the rear axle assembly. The maximum distance allowed is 43.5”. 

-     Iron block equipped cars are allowed 1” additional offset.

  • The maximum total overall width, as measured from outside tire to outside tire is 78”.

  • The wheelbase must be a minimum of 84” and a maximum of 92” measured from the center of the rear axle to the center of the front axle.




  • Frames must be constructed using chrome-moly tubing.

  • The maximum width of the main tubes as measured from the bottom of the rear motor plate (bottom frame rail) 30” vertical will be no wider than 31.”




  • Cars with 410 cubic inch motors must always weigh at least 1,600 pounds with the driver.

  • Cars with 360 cubic inch motors must always weigh at least 1,550 pounds with the driver.

  • Cars with URSS/Racesaver legal 305 cubic inch motors must always weigh 1500

pounds with driver.

  • Cars with GM CT525 crate motor must always weigh 1550 pounds with driver.

  • Cars with GM 602/604 crate motor must always weigh 1500 pounds with driver.

  • Weight reduction allowance for dirt car specific suspension/steering: 75 pounds. Must conform to all of the following:

  1. Rear ends must use conventional Jacobs’s ladder mounting.

  2. Left hand sprint car steering gear only.

  3. Steering drag link must go from steering arm to pitman arm. Nothing in between.

  • Added weight must be bolted to and within the confines of the frame rails. Added weight must be securely fastened.

  • TSS scales will be the official scales.




  • Engine size is limited to a maximum of 410 CID.

    • 410 CID engine is required to run a 1.875” ID minimum by 1.500” depth



  • 360 CID (366 CID Max) engines can run open stacks.

  • 305 URSS/Racesaver legal engines can run open stacks.

  • GM CT525 and 602/604 crate engines must run gauge legal carburetor, 750cfm maximum.

  • Engines must be mounted in line with the driver. The driveline must pass beneath the driver in the center, through the driver compartment.




  • All drive shafts must be surrounded (360 degrees) by proper tubing.




  • Methanol/Alcohol Only

  • Fuel additives of any kind are PROHIBITED.


Aerodynamic Devices


Top Wing:

  • Center Foil maximum size of 25 square feet with a maximum width of 60 inches with a one degree plus or minus tolerance.



Nose Wings


  • Center Foil maximum size of 6 square feet with a maximum width of 36 inches with a one degree plus or minus tolerance.




  • Sprint car type body and tail only.

  • No tire enclosures of any kind are allowed.

  • The front part of the body, known as the nose assembly, shall not be wider than 28” and may not extend forward more than 28” from the leading edge of the front axle. This includes the front bumper.

  • Cockpit side shields will not extend rearward beyond the rear roll cage, 1” tolerance.

  • Body panels cannot extend beyond the frame rails.

  • Airfoils, wings, spoilers, or other aerodynamic appendages will not be permitted. The Race Director may have any panel or part removed which is not within the spirit or intent of this rule.

  • Lower safety fluid containment pan (Belly Pan) required from below radiator to motor plate attached in a safe manner with clamps or bolted. Absorbent pad recommended.




  • No shock absorbers or other ride-controlling or dampening devices that can be adjusted while the race car is in motion are allowed. The only adjustable items from the cockpit are the brake bias adjuster and dial a jet fuel adjuster.  All other adjusters


must be removed.




  • All wheels must have brakes. i.e., Left front, Right front and Rear Axle.



  • A six-pin style hub is recommended for Right Front.

  • Independent suspension systems are not allowed.

Traction Control Devices

  • Traction control devices of any kind are not permitted at any time.



  • Tire brand and compound must be as follows (subject to change):

    • RR = American Racer JX9U5 17.0/28.0-15S

    • LR = American Racer JCAJJ 25.5/13.5-15S

    • RF = American Racer JCBJ3 24.0/11.0-15S

(Dirt Car Specific cars may run a JNJCJ 23.5/10.0-15S)

  • LF = American Racer JNJCJ 23.5/10.0-15S

  • No tire bleeders of any kind are allowed.

  • The minimum durometer for Right Rear is 45.

  • The minimum durometer for Left Rear is 35.

  • The front wheel width is limited to a maximum of 12” RF and 10” LF. The rear wheel width is limited to a maximum of 18” RR and 15” LR.


Mandatory items required include:


  • Fuel Bladder

  • Quick-release steering wheel

  • A dash or steering wheel mounted kill switch marked on and off is mandatory.

  • One-piece driving suit, with a minimum of two layers.

  • Nomex gloves must be worn when strapped in a racecar.

  • All drivers MUST wear a full-face helmet with a MINIMUM safety rating of FIA 8859- 2015, FIA 8860-2018, Snell SA2020, Snell EA2016, Snell SA2015.

  • Head and neck restraints must be used. The head and neck restraint MUST be SFI

38.1 approved and display a legible and valid SFI 38.1 label.

  • A full containment seat with reinforcement around head and shoulder restraint sections is MANDATORY.

  • Each car MUST be equipped with a minimum of an SFI 16.1, SFI 16.5, or SFI 16.6 approved restraint system. The restraint system will be eligible for use in competition until the expiration date or for 2 years from the date of manufacture. Seat belt restraint systems shall be installed and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

  • One-way radios that enable the driver to hear the TSS officials must be used in all race cars. The Primary radio frequency is 454.000.

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